Recent News (archives)

Annals of Neurology

A scientific paper on Epilepsy published by Annals of Neurology.

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A collaborative paper on T2D appeared in Nature.

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TreeLasso Paper Published

Our Tree Lasso paper is published in Biometrics.

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EHR Paper Published

Front. Big Data published our grpahical modeling method paper for EHR.

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Epilepsia Paper Published

Our first Epilepsy paper is published in the “leading, authoritative” journal Epilepsia.

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PDUC Paper Published in JACMP

Our paper on simulating bad (intentionally) contours from cancer CT scans is published in JACMP.

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MACC Paper to Appear in CSDA

Our Mutlilevel Mediation paper is to appear in CSDA. The R package is available on CRAN. This is a joint work with Yi Zhao from Indiana University. Yi also won ENAR student paper award for an earlier draft of this paper.

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Yi's R01 Method Grant Funded

Congratulations to Yi Zhao for the 5-year NIH R01 grant on method development. Awesome news for the future collaborations with you and Brian!

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Alcohol paper in Addiction Biology

Alcohol and Cannabis co-use paper is to appear in Addiction Biology. Joint work with James Yang and Anne Buu (UT Health), Elisa Trucco (FIU), and Chiang-shan R. Li (Yale).

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Research Projects (archives)

Some Challenges in Causal Mediation from fMRI

Causal Mediation Analysis for Functional Data

Causal Mediation Analysis for Functional Data

Causal Mediation Analysis for Functional Data

Covariance Outcome Modelling via Covariate Assisted Principal (CAP) Regression

Covariance/Network Outcome Modeling via CAP

Covariate Assisted Principal CAP Regression for Matrix Outcomes

Covariate Assisted Principal CAP Regression for Matrix Outcomes

Binary Autoregressive Network Modeling of Comorbidity Networks from Electronic Health Records